What you need - When you need it!
What We Provide
Get answers to critical questions, when you need them, without facing the
rigors and cost of the standard RFP/Proposal process. You'll have a
pre-arranged monthly “bank of hours” available for you to use to obtain the
info and/or insights you need when you need them. Custom “Small Qual,”
CI, Market, or Competitive Insights you need, when you need them.
Key Benefits
You get the insights you need without constantly going through the
RFP/Proposal process for what’s considered a small project in size, but
valuable to you because you need it! Allows you to answer questions that
arise that don’t necessarily warrant a new project or fit into the scope of
any existing project.
Corporate process can sometimes be onerous and
slow: it doesn’t necessarily enable you to get what you
need, when you need it, even though you know the
outcome is valuable to your project, your brand, and
your company. Don’t let that stop you from getting to
and understanding the market nuances that will make a
The LCN Formula assures that your objectives
are achieved for your brand and therapeutic area(s), or
across all your early, commercial and late-state
assets. ​
What We Deliver
​With our QuickTurnDI solution, you procure a “bank of hours” on a
monthly or quarterly basis to use at your discretion to get the
quick-turn-around answers you need when you need them, simply by
sending a detailed email explaining your need. We respond within
hours/days with the answers/insights you requested. We utilize the “hours”
available in your “bank of hours,” … which refreshes on a monthly or
quarterly basis.